New number of votes in Bonava AB due to conversion


According to Bonava’s articles of association, owner of a Class A share has the right to request that such share is converted to a Class B share. Each Class A share carries ten votes and each Class B share one vote. In June, a total of 723,209 Class A shares were converted to a total of 723,209 Class B shares at the request of shareholders.


Following the conversions, there were as of 28 June 2024, the last trading day of the month, 30,427,409 Class A shares and 292,389,347 Class B shares. The number of votes in the company hereby amounts to 596,663,437 based on the number of registered shares. The total number of registered shares amounts to 322,816,756.


For more information, please contact:


Anna Falck Fyhrlund, Head of Investor Relations
Tel: +46 707 604 915


Fredrik Hammarbäck, Group Head of Press and Public Affairs

Tel: +46 739 056 063


This information is information that Bonava AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication at 10.00 a.m. CET on 28 June 2024.


Bonava is a leading residential developer in Europe with the purpose to create happy neighbourhoods for the many. With its 1,300 employees, Bonava develops residential housing in Germany, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. To date, the company has built about 40,000 homes and reported net sales of approximately SEK 13 billion in 2023. Bonava's shares and green bond are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.


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Datum 2024-06-28, kl 10:00
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