Ziccum unveils an innovative prototype for dried powder separation and collection

Ziccum AB (publ) is proud to announce the completion of the design of its powder separation engineering prototype, a significant milestone in the progress to continuous processing, an important development step to achieve commercial scale capacity.

After intense design work interactions with our 3D modelling partners at the Zurich Institute of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) and the engineering and industrial manufacturer for a continuous refinement of the design, the outcome is a prototype design ready for manufacturing. The prototype will ensure a gentle, low stress flow of the powder while maintaining the particle engineering opportunities which the LaminarPace® technology can deliver. The prototype is a pivotal piece to enable the scalability and the continuous drying to achieve capacities for industrial applications. The powder separation has been developed with the current single-column approach, but with full consideration for the parallel development of the multi-column design for scale-out.

"This prototype represents the progress from batch mode to continuous mode, thanks to intense work from the development team in collaboration with the expert partners mentioned" says Xavier Turon, Chief Operating Officer.

"It is important to progress the finalization of the LaminarPace® design in parallel with client dialogues, to ensure having everything ready for a complete tech transfer. We are excited to take the next steps toward LaminarPace® refinement and commercial application” comments Ann Gidner, Ziccum CEO.

The prototype will allow continuous separation of product particles from the gas stream, allowing also for a potential post-processing such as a fill&finish set-up. Once the equipment prototype is completed in early 2025 it will undergo physical testing and iterative improvements to ensure capacity, operating mode changes and performance for market readiness.

Datum 2024-12-03, kl 08:30
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