Ziccum contracts RFR Solutions for GMP manufacturing in next phase of technology scale-out


In addition to its existing network of high expertise suppliers and consultants, Ziccum has signed a long-term agreement with the GMP equipment specialist RFR Solutions, for the next phase in the industrialization and scale-out of the LaminarPaceTM equipment.

The new product development and manufacturing partner RFR Solutions has excellent expertise in prototyping, optimizing design and industrialization of demanding high precision equipment for highly regulated industries. Based on good collaborative efforts with key design items for the LaminarPace equipment in recent months, Ziccum has signed a long-term agreement with this partner.

Ziccum’s parallel development projects for LaminarPaceTM – LaPaSim (an advanced 3D digital modeling project in partnership with the ICP Institute of Computational Physics at the Zurich University of Applied Science’s School of Engineering) and the LaminarPace Masterplan (Ziccum’s comprehensive internal project developing, refining and optimizing LaminarPaceTM capabilities) – both continue to progress, optimize and accelerate the performance and industrial applicability of the system. To ensure high quality, high precision equipment development and manufacturing for the LaminarPaceTM path towards industrialization is critical. Having contracted a highly competent and professional partner for manufacturing is complementing the Ziccum offering to the pharmaceutical industry, and is an important milestone.

CEO Ann Gidner: “we are very pleased to formalize this productive collaboration to ensure high class technology, materials and manufacturing expertise in order for us to deliver robust performance of the equipment with GMP compliance. Our partner is a true precision player, delivering their services for example to CERN in Switzerland. This will make an important contribution to the on-going scale out of LaminarPace and it will provide additional value in our industry dialogues”.

Datum 2024-04-26, kl 15:10
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