Three significant Ziccum patent families to be published

The three Ziccum AB (publ) (‘Ziccum’) patent application families advanced to international Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) stage in April 2024 will now be published. As of 31 October 2024, the PCT applications will be available for consultation worldwide. This constitutes another important step in Ziccum’s intellectual property development program for its LaminarPace® technology.

The specific Ziccum strategy for intellectual property (IP) is a multi-layered approach to cover and protect the full range of Ziccum’s innovations. It consists of patents, trademarks and know-how. The international Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) patent applications to be published now are addressing three different perspectives of the unique LaminarPace® processing and its results, to generate several layers of protection. The three fields are as follows.

covering substantial equipment development for the LaminarPace® unit.

This application, covering new equipment configurations in the LaminarPace® drying unit, has the largest scope including 50 claims. It covers numerous modifications in design and operational mode, for example enabling higher nebulization rates to increase production capacity. It also covers a vast number of additional equipment principles and fine optimizations performed during years of development of the LaminarPace® unit at Ziccum.

covering optimized parameters for LaminarPace® processing.

The second application is detailing the best process parameters for optimal LaminarPace® processing, based on valuable learnings in the Ziccum master plan work since 2022, learning from the interaction of equipment, formulations and process parameters. It is an important extra level of protection and secures the Ziccum position carrying unique knowledge of how to apply the LaminarPace® technology for the best pharmaceutical product quality and attributes.

covering formulations that are optimized for LaminarPace® drying.

This application covers new aspects of Ziccum’s formulation expertise, specifically for LaminarPace® applications. Lipid nanoparticle (LNP) formulation is the preferred formulation type in the growing field of (m)RNA development for new therapeutics and vaccines. Ziccum has gained extensive knowledge in the complex LNP formulation field in several studies during 2023 and 2024, confirming excellent results both in-vitro and in-vivo. This patent application covers these data sets as well as formulation knowledge also in a broader sense.

Ann Gidner CEO: “It is impressive how we have executed on our new strategy and master plan, both taking the LaminarPace unit much further towards completion and final design and generating strong data packages for new valuable targets. We are proud to include this new knowledge built for all these patent perspectives. Also, we are generating further data for a new patent application in planning.”

Datum 2024-10-31, kl 11:00
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