Xspray Pharma’s Nomination Committee for the Annual General Meeting 2025


Xspray Pharma AB (Nasdaq Stockholm: XSPRAY) publishes the Nomination Committee’s composition for the Annual General Meeting, May 13, 2025.

The Nomination Committee, which has been appointed in accordance with the principles adopted by the Annual General Meeting on 21 May 2024, consists of:

  • Thomas Eldered, appointed by Flerie AB, Chairman of the Nomination Committee
  • Johan Gyllenswärd, appointed by Ribbskottet AB
  • Mattias Klintemar, appointed by The Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies
  • Johan Wadell, appointed by AP2
  • Anders Ekblom, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Xspray Pharma AB

The Nomination Committee shall, before the Annual General Meeting on May 13, 2025, prepare proposals for the election of Chairman and other members of the Board of Directors, the election of Chairman of the Annual Meeting, election of auditors, the determination of fees and matters pertaining thereto.

Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee prior to the Annual General Meeting, can do so via e-mail to generalmeeting@xspray.com before March 25, 2025.

For further information about the Nomination Committee, please contact:
Anders Ekblom, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Xspray Pharma AB
Email: anders.ekblom@xspray.com

Datum 2024-10-21, kl 15:20
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