Important information to holders of warrants series TO6: subscription period begins today

Holders of Xspray's warrants series TO6 can, during the period 18 April – 2 May 2024, subscribe for new shares in Xspray Pharma (“Company”) at a price of SEK 40. The warrants were allotted as part of the subscribed units in the rights issue in June 2023. The proceeds from subscribed warrants will be used for the launch of Xspray's first product Dasynoc® in the USA in 2024, as well as for continued development of future products. On April 10, 2024, the Company announced that larger shareholders, corresponding to 50% of the shares in Xspray Pharma, have declared their intent to subscribe for new shares through the use of their TO6 warrants.

1 warrant of series TO6 entitles the holder to subscribe for 1 newly issued share in the Company at the subscription price of SEK 40. New shares can be subscribed for during the period 18 April – 2 May 2024.

Holders of TO6 warrants that want to subscribe for new shares must contact their bank or fund manager to notify subscription. Those who choose not to subscribe should sell their TO6 warrants. Warrants of series TO6 are subject to trading up until April 29, 2024.

For further information, please contact:
Kerstin Hasselgren
Senior Advisor & Investor Relations
Xspray Pharma AB
Mob: +46 (0) 70 311 16 83

About Xspray Pharma

Xspray Pharma AB (publ) is a pharmaceutical company with numerous product candidates in clinical development, utilizing its innovative, patented HyNap-technology to create improved versions of marketed protein kinase inhibitors (PKI), the largest oncology segment often with high drug prices. The company's goal is to become a market leader of enhanced PKIs for cancer treatment. Xspray Pharma's primary drug candidate, Dasynoc® (XS004-dasatinib), is currently undergoing FDA review. It is an amorphous form of dasatinib, demonstrating bioequivalence at a 30% lower dose because of better solubility profile. Its compatibility with proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), commonly co-prescribed to chronic myeloid leukemia patients, provides a significant advantage. Xspray Pharma is building a robust product portfolio, including XS003-nilotinib (an optimized version of Tasigna®) and XS008-axitinib (an optimized version of Inlyta®).

Xspray Pharma’s shares are traded at Nasdaq Stockholm (Nasdaq Stockholm: XSPRAY).

Datum 2024-04-18, kl 10:00
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