Xintela's main owner Flerie undertakes to exercise warrants TO3 of approximately SEK 28 million and provides a bridge loan of SEK 9 million


Xintela AB (publ) ("Xintela" or the "Company") today announces that the Company's largest shareholder Flerie Invest AB, which holds approximately 55.5 percent of the number of shares and votes in the Company, has committed to exercise warrants of series TO3 of approximately SEK 28 million during the exercise period beginning on November 25, 2024. Flerie's undertaking means that all 93,630,256 warrants of series TO3 held by Flerie will be exercised to subscribe for shares in the Company.

Flerie has also provided a short-term bridge loan to Xintela of SEK 9 million, which is to be repaid no later than 16 December 2024. Furthermore, the maturity date for the other outstanding loans from Flerie to the Company – totalling approximately SEK 20.5 million – has been extended to 4 March 2025. In addition, it has been agreed that the maturity date of the loans may, at Xintela's request, be extended to 30 April 2025. If the Company carries out a rights issue, Flerie has the right to subscribe for its preferential share with payment by set-off of outstanding loans.
The upcoming exercise period for the warrants of series TO3 is November 25 up to and including December 5, 2024. Further information will be published by the Company prior to the start of the exercise period.

Datum 2024-11-01, kl 08:30
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