W5 Solutions' recent acquisition takes an order for 10 million SEK

-Box Modul delivers shelters to a NATO customer

W5 Solutions' recently acquired subsidiary, Box Modul, has secured an order of 10 million SEK from a NATO customer. The order includes shelters, mobile modular solutions in armored steel. These are tailored to the customer's requirements to ensure increased saftey for personnel and equipment—a shell protection from external impact. The delivery is expected to take place during the first quarter of 2024.

Box Modul is known for its expertise and extensive experience in the development, design, production, and sale of custom shelters within the defense sector. These include pre-built offices, residential modules, protective shelters, technical buildings, and hospital units. The design is adapted based on the environment in which it will be placed to naturally blend into the surroundings.

"The order is a milestone in our work to develop mobile protective solutions. By manufacturing robust shelters with additional protection to minimize damage, our team has proven the strategic value of the product, which strengthens our position in the market," says Peter Nordlund, CEO of Box Modul.

The mobile modules are purchased prefabricated, offering a sustainable alternative that saves both time and money. As a long-term supplier to the defense industry, Box Modul has gained significant knowledge on how modules should be constructed for all types of environments and situations, such as extreme climate conditions.

"The deal emphasizes our shared drive for growth and clearly demonstrates our strategic synergies. Box Modul's expertise in mobile protective solutions is a crucial puzzle piece and illustrates the successful collaboration within our group," says Daniel Hopstadius, CEO of W5 Solutions, adding:

"We are proud of their team and look forward to the positive impact their mobile protective solutions will have within the defense sector. This strengthens Box Modul's success and confirms our overall position and strategic significance within the defense sector to support those who protect us”.

Datum 2023-11-28, kl 08:45
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