VNV Global announces outcome of its partial buyback offer under the outstanding 2022/2025 bond loan

VNV Global AB (publ) (“VNV Global” or the “Company”) announces that the Company today has successfully repurchased bonds under the Company’s outstanding SEK 1,200 million bond loan maturing on 31 January 2025 with ISIN SE0017483019 (the “Bonds”) as part of the partial buyback offer (the “Buyback”) which was communicated on 15 March 2024. Bonds in an aggregate nominal amount of ca. SEK 334 million were repurchased by the Company in the Buyback at a price equal to 99.00 per cent of the nominal amount plus accrued and unpaid interest. Settlement of the Buyback will take place on 3 April 2024.

Pareto Securities AB acted as financial advisor in connection with the Buyback.

Datum 2024-03-22, kl 17:45
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