New number of shares and votes in VNV Global AB (publ)


VNV Global AB (publ) (”VNV Global” or the “Company”) has during November 2023 issued a total of 1,710,000 Class C-2023 shares and 1,710,000 Class D-2023 shares under the Company’s long-term Incentive program 2023 adopted at the Annual General Meeting on May 4, 2023 and redeemed a total of 4,148,684 Class C shares issued under the Company’s long-term share incentive programs for 2019-2022. 
The total number of shares and votes in VNV Global as per November 30, 2023 amounts to 134,510,235 and is divided into four classes of shares as follows:

  • 130,978,236 ordinary shares, with one vote each.
  • 111,999 reclassifiable subordinated incentive shares of Class C-2022, with one vote each.
  • 1,710,000 reclassifiable subordinated incentive shares of Class C-2023, with one vote each.
  • 1,710,000 reclassifiable subordinated incentive shares of Class D-2023, with one vote each.
Datum 2023-11-30, kl 08:00
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