Changed number of shares and votes in Vitec Software Group


The number of shares and votes in Vitec Software Group AB (publ) has changed as a result of the conversion of convertible debentures and warrants.

On October 4, convertible debentures, issued in connection to a previous acquisition, were converted. On October 11, warrants were converted and on October 19, convertible debentures were converted, both within the framework of employee’s incentive program.

As of today's date, the total number of registered and outstanding shares in the company amounts to 37,535,487 divided into 2,650,000 A shares and 34,885,487 B shares. The number of votes amounts to 61,385,487. The share capital is SEK 3,753,548.70.

Datum 2023-10-31, kl 16:00
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