Fidelio issues call options to Vimian’s Chairman of the Board Magnus Welander

Vimian Group AB (publ) has been informed that the Company’s largest shareholder Fidelio Vet Holding AB (“Fidelio”) has undertaken to issue 100,000 call options in Vimian to Magnus Welander, Chairman of the Board in Vimian Group AB (publ).

The call options are being issued on market terms and are exercisable into 100,000 shares in Vimian after five years, in three tranches with an exercise price corresponding to SEK 33.16 subject to an annual step-up in exercise price of 5, 10 and 15 percent, respectively, starting on 27 June 2024.

The call options will not dilute the holdings of other shareholders and do not entail any costs for Vimian.

Today, Fidelio owns approximately 297,128,581 shares in Vimian, corresponding to 57% of the shares in Vimian Group AB (publ). Magnus Welander currently owns 73,630 shares in Vimian Group AB (publ).

Datum 2024-06-27, kl 15:30
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