Conversion of C-shares in Vimian Group AB


The number of votes in Vimian Group AB (publ) (“Vimian”) has changed as a result of (i) redemption of 5,320 C-shares, and (ii) conversion of in total 6,296,610 C-shares into ordinary shares carried out in September following requests from shareholders in accordance with the conversion clause in Vimian’s articles of association.

Pursuant to agreements entered into between Vimian and certain shareholders in connection with the rollover conducted in connection with the listing in 2021, the C-shares will vest over a three-year period. Conversion of the 6,296,610 C-shares relates to vesting of the second third of the C-shares.

Following the conversion, there are in total 457,118,374 shares in Vimian, of which 12,878,208 are C-shares, together carrying 1,287,820.8 votes and 444,240,166 are ordinary shares, together carrying 444,240,166 votes. The total number of votes in Vimian is 445,527,986.8.

Datum 2023-09-14, kl 14:00
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