Vestum announces conditional early redemption of its bonds 2021/2024

Vestum AB (publ) (“Vestum”) gives notice that it will, subject to certain conditions, redeem in full its outstanding bonds of series 2021/2024 (ISIN SE0016844526) (the “Bonds”) on 30 April 2024.

The early redemption is conditional upon fulfilment of conditions precedents for amendments to Vestum’s credit facilities agreement and customary conditions precedent for utilisation loans under the credit facilities agreement prior to 23 April 2024.

Pursuant to the terms and conditions for the Bonds, Bonds 2021/2024 will be redeemed at the redemption price of 100.83 per cent. of the total outstanding nominal amount (i.e., SEK 1,260,375 per bond) together with any accrued and unpaid interest (the “Redemption Amount”).

The Redemption Amount will be paid to each person who is registered as owner of the Bonds in the debt registers maintained by Euroclear Sweden at the end of business on 23 April 2024. In connection with the redemption, the Bonds will be delisted from Nasdaq Stockholm and Frankfurt Open Market.

A notice of early redemption is sent to directly registered owners of the Bonds in the debt registers as of 3 April 2024.

Datum 2024-04-04, kl 17:30
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