The nomination committee’s proposal for board changes in Vestum AB (publ)


The nomination committee in Vestum AB (publ) has resolved to propose Conny Ryk, who thereby replaces Per Åhlgren, as the new chairman of the board. Olle Nykvist has, at his own request, announced that he intends to resign from the board.

As communicated in the press release on 29 June 2023, the nomination committee propose Conny Ryk as the new chairman of the board in Vestum in connection with him leaving his role as CEO of the company. Per Åhlgren, Vestum’s current chairman of the board, will continue as member of the board.

Olle Nykvist has, at his own request, announced that he intends to resign from the board in connection with the extraordinary general meeting. However, Olle Nykvist will remain active in Vestum’s management in his role as General Counsel & Head of Group functions.

The notice to the extraordinary general meeting will be published by Vestum in a separate press release and will be available on Vestum’s website.

The nomination committee consists of Henrik Westöö (RYK GROUP AB), Anders Rosenqvist (Rosenqvist Gruppen AB) and Erik Mitteregger (GoMobile nu AB). The nomination committee’s complete proposals will be available on Vestum’s website (

Datum 2023-09-26, kl 11:15
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