The Board of Directors of SynAct Pharma AB has received a request to convene an EGM


The Board of Directors of SynAct Pharma AB (”SynAct”) has received a request to convene an EGM (Extraordinary General Meeting) to elect a new Board of Directors.

SynAct has on 26 January 2024 received a request to convene an EGM to elect a new Board of Directors from shareholders that together hold more than ten percent of the shares in SynAct.

The request states that the following persons are proposed as new members of the Board of Directors:

- Anders Kronborg
- Sten Scheibye
- Sten Sørensen
- Jeppe Øvlesen

In addition, it is stated that Uli Hacksell, who is currently Chairman of the Board of Directors, is proposed to remain as a member of the Board of Directors if he so wishes.

The request has been presented by the following larger shareholders:

  • TJ Biotech Invest ApS
  • Goodwind Holding GmbH
  • Thomas Ringberg

and some other shareholders where no individual shareholder holds more than 0.38%. Main owner of TJ Biotech Invest ApS is Thomas Jonassen, CSO and member of the Board of Directors of SynAct. Majority owners in Goodwind Holding GmbH are Thomas Jonassen and Jeppe Øvlesen, former CEO of SynAct.

Since the request has been made by shareholders who jointly own more than ten percent, the formal requirement is fulfilled for a request for notice of an EGM. The Board of Directors will hence within two weeks from 26 January 2024 issue a notice to an EGM.

For further information about SynAct Pharma AB, please contact:
Uli Hacksell
Chairman of the Board, SynAct Pharma AB

Datum 2024-01-28, kl 20:18
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