Bulletin from the extraordinary general meeting of SynAct Pharma AB


Today, on March 20, 2024, an extraordinary general meeting was held in SynAct Pharma AB. The meeting was convened after the request of shareholders representing more than ten per cent of the shares in the company. A summary of the adopted resolutions follows below.

Determination of the number of members of the board
The meeting resolved in accordance with the proposal to the meeting, which was presented by TJ Biotech Invest ApS, Goodwind Holding GmbH, Thomas Ringberg and some other shareholders in the company where no individual shareholder holds more than 0.38 per cent (jointly the "Larger Shareholders"), that the company’s board shall consist of four ordinary board members with no deputy board members.

Election of board members and chairman of the board
The meeting resolved in accordance with the proposal from the Larger Shareholders to remove all current board members and to elect Anders Kronborg, Sten Scheibye, Sten Sørensen and Jeppe Øvlesen as new board members until the close of the annual general meeting 2024. Furthermore, the meeting resolved in accordance with the proposal from the Larger Shareholders to elect Anders Kronborg as new chairman of the board.

Lund on March 20, 2024
SynAct Pharma AB (publ)

For further information, please contact:

Torbjørn Bjerke
CEO, SynAct Pharma AB
Phone: +46 70 205 58 40
Mail: tbje@synactpharma.com
Mail: investor.relations@synactpharma.com

About SynAct Pharma AB

SynAct Pharma AB (Nasdaq Stockholm: SYNACT) is a clinical stage biotechnology company focused on the resolution of inflammation through the selective activation of the melanocortin system. The company has a broad portfolio of oral and injectable selective melanocortin agonists aimed at inducing anti-inflammatory and inflammation resolution activity to help patients achieve immune balance and overcome their inflammation. For more information: www.synactpharma.com.

The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out above, at 10.35 CET on March 20, 2024.

Datum 2024-03-20, kl 10:35
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