Swedish Logistic Property

SLP takes ownership of property in Hallsberg

"We are very happy that the property formation has gained legal force so that we can take ownership of the property and continue developing SLP's largest project to date," says Tommy Åstrand, CEO of SLP.

The new construction is expected to be completed at the turn of the year 2024/25. The investment will be financed with existing cash and secured bank financing.

For further information, please contact:
Tommy Åstrand, CEO of SLP, telephone: +46 705 455 997


About SLP - Swedish Logistic Property
Swedish Logistic Property - SLP - is a Swedish property company that acquires, develops, and manages logistic properties with sustainability in focus. Value growth is created through development of the properties which are located in Sweden's most important logistic hubs. The property portfolio comprises a lettable area of approx. 940,000 sqm. SLP is a partner that takes responsibility and through this creates value for both tenants as well as for the company and its shareholders. SLP's share of series B is listed at Nasdaq Stockholm Mid Cap. For further information about SLP: slproperty.se

Datum 2023-09-07, kl 12:00
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