Swedbank Robur founding participant to Nature Action 100

The founding investors and signatories  to this initiative will prioritize engagement with companies in critical sectors to reverse the decline of nature and biodiversity by 2030.

“To end and help turn this development around, it is essential to find pathways that support, drives, and enables companies to engage to nature preservation. It's also crucial to initiate and facilitate dialogues between investors, company leaders, and board members, says Katarina Heissenberger, Senior sustainability analyst at Swedbank Robur.

The Nature Action 100 outlines a set of expectations for companies regarding their ambitions for protection of nature. The initiative asks companies to assess their impacts on nature and their exposure to nature-related risk; to set time-bound targets; establish governance structures and disclose progress.

“A central part of the initiative is to monitor companies' advancements using key benchmark indicators. Nature Action 100 will monitor companies' progress and provide a benchmark on their performance against the expectations. Our ambition is that this collaboration will be a launchpad for investors and an inspiration for greater corporate ambition and concrete action on nature”, says Katarina Heissenberger.

About Nature Action 100

  • Tuesday, September 26, Nature Action 100 announced that 190 institutional investor participants – representing $23.6 trillion in assets under management or advice – have started direct engagement with 100 companies through the initiative.
  • The 100 companies are worth more than $9 trillion in market capital.
  • The initiative engages companies in key sectors that are deemed to be systemically important in reversing nature and biodiversity loss by 2030. The initiative’s Secretariat and Corporate Engagement Working Group is co-led by Ceres and the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC), and the initiative’s Technical Advisory Group is co-led by the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation and Planet Tracker.

Carina Sesser Nylund, Head of Press and Information, Swedbank Robur, +46 72 230 52 64

Datum 2023-09-26, kl 10:03
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