Invitation to the presentation of Swedbank's quarterly report January - June 2023

Investors and analysts: Conference call on 18 July at 8.00 a.m. CEST
Jens Henriksson (President and CEO), Anders Karlsson (CFO), Rolf Marquardt (CRO) and Annie Ho (Head of Investor Relations) will present the report. The conference call will be held in English and broadcasted live on, where a recording also will be available following the call.

To participate in the conference call, dial:
Sweden: +46 (0)8 5051 0031
United Kingdom: +44 (0) 207 107 06 13
United States: +1 (1) 631 570 56 13
Germany: +49 (0)69 505 0 0082

Media: Press meeting on 18 July at 10.30 a.m. CEST
Media representatives are welcome to a press meeting with Jens Henriksson (President and CEO), at Swedbank’s HQ at Landsvägen 40 in Sundbyberg or digitally via Teams.

The press meeting will be held in Swedish. Registration of attendance is mandatory, and a press card or equivalent is required. 

Please register by contacting Senior Advisor Unni Jerndal on +46 73 092 1180 or no later than July 13.

It is also possible to watch a live transmission of the press meeting here.

Annie Ho, Head of Investor Relations, tel: +46 70 343 78 15
Unni Jerndal, Senior Advisor, tel. +46 73 092 11 80


Datum 2023-07-04, kl 08:00
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