Correction of previous press release with incorrect reference to MAR


Swedbank’s Annual and Sustainability Report 2023

During 2023, important steps were taken in the “Swedbank 15/25” business plan with the goal of delivering a sustainable return on equity of at least 15 percent 2025. The organisation has been adapted to grow in prioritised customer segments, and the business has been streamlined and focused on core operations with new strategic partnerships. At the same time, the bank’s position in sustainability is being moved forward.

2023 was a year of focus on security issues, sustainability, and inflation reduction. Households and businesses were affected by the central banks’ fight against inflation, which began to show results at the end of the year. 

“Swedbank is there for customers in both better and worse times. We shall have the best overall offer on the market and contribute to sustainability. At the same time, we create value for owners and society through the dividends generated. A sustainable bank is a profitable bank," says president and CEO Jens Henriksson.

In 2023, Swedbank became the first Nordic bank to issue a social bond of EUR 500 million. The bond is a tool for promoting lending to businesses that contribute to a positive social development. 

Swedbank has continued to strengthen its offering of financial services to customers with energy advice and green loans. In Estonia and Latvia, the bank’s offering of a selection of green loans, with a 0% interest margin during the first two years, has been very popular.

“Sustainability is at the core of our business strategy. We maintain our momentum in working for a long-term socially and environmentally sustainable society by strengthening and developing our customer offering," says Johanna Fager Wettergren, Head of Sustainability at Swedbank. 

Cyber threats continue to be a reality where many actors in Swedish society are at risk. The problem of fraud affecting bank customers has also grown during the year, leading to increased measures from the bank. 

“The fight against financial crime is ultimately about a sustainable society. Swedbank is acting vigorously against external threats, including by combating money laundering, terrorist financing and fraud. Cooperation between the public and private sectors has also been further strengthened in 2023," says Jens Henriksson.

For 2023 the following reports are now available for download on

  • Swedbank Annual and Sustainability Report 2023 (PDF), as well as in European Single Electronic Format (ESEF)
  • Risk and Capital Adequacy Report 2023 (PDF)
  • Factbook ESG/Sustainability (xlsx)

Annie Ho, Head of Investor Relations, +46 70 343 78 15
Hannes Mård, Media Relations Manager, +46 73-057 41 95

This disclosure contains information that Swedbank is obliged to make public pursuant to the Swedish Securities Markets Act (2007:528). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, on February 22, 2024, at 19:15 CET.

Datum 2024-02-22, kl 19:15
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