Sweco assists Ukraine in reconstructing drinking water system for City of Kremenchuk

The purpose is to support Kremenchuk City Council and its water company in developing necessary analysis and preparatory work required to improve and secure the water quality and distribution system as well as its capacity. 

Sweco will assist in the fast-tracking of the reconstruction and modernisation of the water supply system for drinking water intake, water purification, monitoring of quality and process automation systems. This will include a feasibility study including technical, environmental, social and economic aspects as well as identifying available water resources in the area including water balance for the next 25 years. 

The result will be an improved, expanded and more resilient drinking water infrastructure with special attention to energy efficiency. The Sweco project started in November and is estimated to be completed in August 2024. 

This project is financed by Swedfund, a Swedish development finance institution, and will be delivered in compliance with national, EU and international development bank standards and financing conditions. 

Sweco supporting Ukraine
Earlier this year, Sweco announced it will help build housing in six cities in Western Ukraine


Datum 2023-11-29, kl 08:00
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