Restated 2023 figures and initiating control balance sheet process


Following events this week including the filing of insolvency of the associated company Strax GmbH May 28, 2004, the Board have decided to write down shares in subsidiaries in STRAX AB financial statements to zero with effect as of December 31, 2023, as well as write off the value of goodwill in the Group. This change is reflected in the Q1 report of 2024 as the full year 2023 numbers have been changed compared to what was previously reported in the year-end report for 2023. Consequently, the Board have further decided to initiate the process of a control balance sheet dated May 31, 2024. The control balance sheet will be audited by the auditors and will be presented at an EGM, according to the process for control balance sheet.

Specification changed figures:   
 2023 2023
 Previously Updated
Profit or loss from continuing   
operations after tax-48 187-4 001-52 188
Goodwill4 001-4 001-
Equity-49 796-4 001-53 797
 2023 2023
 Previously Updated
Parent companyreportedChangefigures
Result for the period-53 863-23 928-77 791
Shares in subsidiaries23 928-23 928-
Equity9 213-23 928-14 715
None of the events are cash events affecting  
Datum 2024-05-31, kl 23:10
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