Storytel Group Nomination Committee presents proposal for Board of Directors and new Chair


In advance of the Storytel AB (publ) Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 14 May 2024, the Nomination Committee proposes election of Hélène Barnekow as new Chair and director of the Board and Ulrika Danielsson, Filippa Wallestam and Erik Tiden as new directors of the Board.

The Nomination Committee proposes that the Board of Directors shall consist of eight directors. It is also proposed that Alexander Lindholm, Joakim Rubin, Jonas Sjögren and Jonas Tellander are re-elected as directors of the Board and that Hélène Barnekow, Ulrika Danielsson, Filippa Wallestam and Erik Tiden are elected as new directors of the Board. Hélène Barnekow is proposed as new Chair of the Board of Directors.

As previously communicated, the current Chair of the Board, Hans-Holger Albrecht, is not available for re-election. Also Lina Brouneus, Lutz Finger and Adine Grate have informed the Nomination Committee that they are not available for re-election.

The Nomination Committee's complete proposal, along with information about the proposed Board members and the Nomination Committee's motivated opinion, are available on the company's website, Storytel’s Annual General Meeting will be held in Stockholm on Tuesday 14 May 2024.

The Storytel Nomination Committee in advance of the 2024 Annual General Meeting consists of Tobias Edenman (appointed by a shareholder group consisting of Jonas Tellander, Annamaria Tellander, Paul Svedrup, Dimitra AB, Jon Hauksson and Kristoffer Lind AB), Rickard Wilson (appointed by EQT), Hans-Peter Ostler (appointed by Roxette Photo), Oscar Severin (appointed by Vitruvian Partners) and Hans-Holger Albrecht (Chair of the Board). Tobias Edenman is Chair of the Nomination Committee.

Datum 2024-04-30, kl 13:30
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