Conversion of convertibles to B shares in Storskogen


On 3 April 2023, Storskogen announced that the group had acquired 80 percent of the shares in ACE and that GBP 10,361,992 of the consideration would be paid with B shares in Storskogen to be delivered on 3 April 2024. To secure the delivery of the B shares and to settle this part of the consideration, the Board of Directors of Storskogen resolved, based on the authorisation from the annual general meeting on 17 May 2022, on 3 April 2023 on a directed issue of two convertibles (of series 2023:1 and 2023:2, respectively) of a total of GBP 10,361,992 to the sellers of ACE, with mandatory conversion today on 3 April 2024.

The convertibles have today in their entirety been converted to a total of 16,561,182 B shares in Storskogen (corresponding to a dilution effect of approximately 0.98 percent of the share capital and approximately 0.55 percent of the votes). The conversion price, which pursuant to the share purchase agreement and the terms and conditions for the convertibles, should correspond to be the Volume Weighted Average Price for the Storskogen B share on Nasdaq Stockholm during the period 22-27 March 2024 converted to GBP, amounted to GBP 0.4105 (corresponding to SEK 5.5073) per B share. The excess convertible amount of GBP 3,563,161.34 in total will be paid in cash.

Following the conversion, the total number of shares and votes in Storskogen amounts to 1,686,039,235 shares (of which 148,001,374 A shares and 1,538,037,861 B shares) and 3,018,051,601 votes. The share capital has increased with SEK 8,446.202821 to SEK 859,880.009941.

Datum 2024-04-03, kl 09:55
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