JS Security publishes interim report for Q1 2024: Positive Cash Flow and Positive EBITDA


Summary of the first quarter (Q1) 2024

  • Operating income of SEK 1.8 million (2.0)
  • EBITDA improved by SEK 0.3 million to SEK 0.1 million (-0.2)
  • Profit after financial items increased to SEK -0.7 million (-0.9)
  • Operating result increased to SEK -0.6 million (-0.9)
  • Earnings per share amounted to SEK -0.02 (-0.08)

Events during the first quarter (Q1) 2024

  • JS Security extended a SEK 6.1 million contract with a Swedish car manufacturer.
  • JS Security achieved two important milestones - positive cash flow and positive EBITDA for the first time ever in a quarter.

"I am pleased to report that 2024 has started strongly and that we have achieved two important milestones - positive cash flow and positive EBITDA in one quarter. This is an extremely important step in the right direction, and we see that increased contracts and renewals combined with cost efficiencies are starting to pay off." says Mårten Bergsten, CEO, JS Security.

This disclosure contains information that JS Security is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, on 16-05-2024 07:30 CET.

Datum 2024-05-16, kl 07:30
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