The Board of Directors of Stillfront has resolved to exercise its authorisation to acquire own shares


The Board of Directors of Stillfront AB (publ) (“Stillfront”) has resolved, pursuant to the authorisation granted by the Annual General Meeting held on 14 May 2024, to acquire own shares on Nasdaq Stockholm. The purpose of the repurchase is to enable payment with Stillfront’s own shares of certain future earn-out payments relating to acquisitions.

The repurchase programme is subject to the following terms and conditions:

  • Acquisitions shall be effected on Nasdaq Stockholm in accordance with the Nordic Main Market Rulebook for Issuers of Shares.
  • Acquisitions may be made on one or several occasions from 24 October 2024 up until the 2025 Annual General Meeting. No acquisitions will be made during 30 days before the publication of Stillfront’s interim financial or year-end reports.
  • Acquisitions may be made up to a total amount of SEK 40 million. Stillfront’s holding of own shares may, however, not at any time exceed one-tenth of all shares in Stillfront.
  • Acquisitions may only be effected at a price within the registered price interval on Nasdaq Stockholm at any given time, which refers to the interval between the highest purchase price and the lowest selling price.
  • Acquisitions may also be made by way of block trades in accordance with applicable rules.
  • Payment of acquired shares shall be made in cash.

The repurchases will be administered by Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ), that will act in accordance with instructions from Stillfront.

The purpose of the repurchase programme is to enable payment with Stillfront’s own shares in certain future earn-out considerations relating to acquisitions. Assuming no material changes in the historical trading volumes in Stillfront’s shares and/or current market conditions, the board of directors’ intention is that Stillfront shall complete the repurchase programme prior to the closed period that commences 30 days prior to the release of Stillfront’s year-end report for the period January – December 2024.

The total number of shares in Stillfront is 517,968,480. At the time of this press release, Stillfront holds 10,245,000 own shares.

Datum 2024-10-23, kl 07:18
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