Stillfront’s nomination committee proposes that Maria Hedengren and Lars-Johan Jarnheimer be appointed as new board members


Stillfront’s nomination committee proposes that Maria Hedengren and Lars-Johan Jarnheimer be appointed as new members of the board of directors of Stillfront Group AB (publ) at the annual general meeting on 14 May 2024.

The nomination committee proposes that Stillfront’s 2024 annual general meeting elects six ordinary board members with no deputy directors. Katarina G. Bonde, Erik Forsberg, Marcus Jacobs and David Nordberg are proposed to be re-elected as board members. Further, Katarina G. Bonde is proposed to be re-elected as Chair of the board of directors.

"We are convinced that Maria and Lars-Johan with their respective solid competencies and long experience from companies in strong growth on international markets, organizational development and brand building, will further strengthen the board's continued strategic work”, says Anna Magnusson, Chair of Stillfront’s nomination committee.

Maria Hedengren has 25 years of experience from leading positions in international growth companies, including CFO of NetEnt and iZettle and CEO of Readly, and is currently active on several boards, as an investor and as a venture partner at a global venture capital company.

Lars-Johan Jarnheimer has more than 40 years of experience from multinational companies such as Tele2 and Millicom, H&M, IKEA and the media company Egmont Group. He is currently Chair of the Board of Telia Company, Inka Holding (IKEA), Elite Hotels and Arvid Nordqvist, and board member of SAS.

The nomination committee of Stillfront ahead of the 2024 annual general meeting has been appointed in accordance with the principles for the nomination committee adopted by the 2023 annual general meeting and consists of: Anna Magnusson, Chair of the nomination committee (appointed by Första AP-fonden), Niklas Johansson (appointed by Handelsbanken Fonder), and Patrik Jönsson (appointed by SEB Fonder). The Chair of the Board, Katarina G. Bonde, is an adjunct member of the nomination committee.

Birgitta Henriksson and Ulrika Viklund have informed the nomination committee that they will not be available for re-election as board members at the 2024 annual general meeting. The nomination committee's complete proposals will be published in the notice to the 2024 annual general meeting.

For more information, please contact:

Anna Magnusson, Chair of the nomination committee

Tel: +46 8 566 20 270, e-post:

Datum 2024-02-23, kl 08:30
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