Change in the number of shares and votes in Starbreeze AB


During the current month, at the request of shareholder's, 7,068,445 shares of series A-shares have been converted into the same number of series B-shares. The total number of votes in Starbreeze then amounts to 2,757,497,212.

The total number of registered shares in the company after the conversion amounts to 1,476,762,040, of which 142,303,908 series A-shares and 1,334,458,132 series B-shares.


For more information, please contact:

Mats Juhl, CFO
Tel: +46(0)8-209 229, email:

This information is information that Starbreeze AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication at 14:30 CET on 30 April 2024.


About Starbreeze
Starbreeze is an independent developer, publisher, and distributor of PC and consoles targeting the global market, with studios in Stockholm, Barcelona, Paris and London. Housing the smash hit IP PAYDAY™, Starbreeze develops games based on proprietary and third-party rights, both in-house and in partnership with external game developers. Starbreeze shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, please visit

Datum 2024-04-30, kl 14:30
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