Nomination committee appointed in Seafire AB (publ)


In accordance with the resolution of the annual general meeting, the chairman of the board is tasked with forming a nomination committee with three members by consulting with the representatives of the largest shareholders in the company, based on the shareholding and vote tally known at the end of September 2024.

The three largest owners who wish to be represented in the nomination committee have appointed:

  • Daniel Albin (chairman of the nomination committee), representing Creades
  • Jonas Backman, representing Protector Forsikring
  • Roger Lindqvist, representing the shareholder Kenneth Lindqvist
  • Anders Hillerborg, Chairman of Seafire AB

The issues to be dealt with by the nomination committee, the guidelines for how its members are appointed and more information about the annual meeting can be found on the company's website

Datum 2024-11-04, kl 18:00
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