Scandinavian Real Heart

Stuart McConchie Appointed Adjunct Board Member to Realheart

McConchie has worked with several mechanical circulatory assist device companies, most recently as CEO of UK based Calon Cardio Technology, and previously U.S. Jarvik Heart and Australian HeartWare Inc, where he gained public company experience before the company's acquisition by Medtronic. Moreover, Stuart McConchie has extensive experience of clinical evaluation and regulatory affairs, including FDA interaction with numerous cardiac products.

- We are excited to welcome Stuart McConchie to the board of directors. His strong track record from successfully guiding MedTech companies from research stage through approval and commercialization, especially with his strong experience in regulatory matters will be very valuable to Realheart in the period ahead, says Chairman of the Board Christer Norström.

"Inevitably the spectrum of mechanical cardiac assist will include effective four chamber support.
The RealHeart
® TAH is likely to be that device, and I am delighted to join the Realheart team".
- says Stuart McConchie

Datum 2023-08-30, kl 18:00
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