Scandinavian ChemoTech

Scandinavian ChemoTech publicerar 2023 års årsredovisning


För mer information vänligen kontakta:

Mohan Frick, CEO

Tele: +46 (0)10-218 93 00


Certified Adviser: Redeye AB, Tele: +46 (0)8 - 121 576 90


Scandinavian ChemoTech AB (publ)
ChemoTech is a Swedish medical technology company based in Lund that has developed a patented technology platform to offer cancer patients access to a new treatment alternative, Tumour Specific Electroporation™ (TSE), available for treatment of both humans and animals. There are a large number of cancer patients whose tumours for various reasons cannot be treated by conventional methods but where TSE can be a solution. Therefore, the company continuously evaluates new opportunities and areas of application for the technology. ChemoTech's shares (CMOTEC B) are listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market in Stockholm and Redeye AB is the company's Certified Adviser. Read more at:

Datum 2024-04-23, kl 09:45
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