Conversion of Scandic's convertible bonds in an aggregated nominal amount of SEK 23 million to shares


In 2021 Scandic Hotels Group AB (publ) ("Scandic") issued convertible bonds in an aggregated nominal amount of SEK 1,800 million. Convertible bonds in an aggregated nominal amount of SEK 23 million have been converted to shares. After the conversion, the aggregated nominal amount for the outstanding convertible bonds amounts to SEK 27 million.

Through the conversion, the total number of shares and votes in Scandic increases with 530,416 to in total 218,535,262.
Through the conversion, the share capital increases with SEK 132,604 to in total SEK 54,633,815.50.

For more information, please contact:
Rasmus Blomqvist, Director Investor Relations, Scandic Hotels Group
Phone: +46 702 335 367

Datum 2024-08-28, kl 07:30
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