American Association of Kidney Patients supports the Home Dialysis Risk Prevention Act

Home hemodialysis in the US is continuing to gain popularity thanks to all the benefits that come with greater patient care choice and home treatment. Driving forces include improved clinical outcomes for patients, increased convenience, and greatly improved quality of life. For patients, kidney diseae is both a health care and workforce issue, and home dialysis allows greater flexibility to maintain full-time or part-time employment and to be less dependant upon limited disability income.

For home hemodialysis to reach its full potential, it is important to address one of the remaining patient safety issues; Venous Needle Dislodgement (VND). VND can happen to any hemodialysis patient, at any time, and lead to potentially life-threatening blood loss in a matter of minutes. Using an alarm system that continuously monitors and rapidly detects blood loss at the access site can prevent serious complications attributed to VND.

The American Association of Kidney Patients (AAKP), the largest independent kidney patient-led organization in the US advocates for improvements in hemodialysis treatment, outcomes and patient safety. AAKP endorses the use of innovations and new technologies for home hemodialysis that reduce the risk of potentially catastrophic adverse events and improve patient safety. Currently, blood loss monitoring and detection devices are not covered by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and patients do not have full care care choice or access to these important technologies. AAKP believes this an important misalignment between patient-centered safety innovations and federal payment policies at CMS and that CMS must prioritize patient safety and cover such devices.

Monitoring of VND for home hemodialysis patients is viewed as a priority among Congressional leaders.  The Home Hemodialysis Risk Prevention Act (H.R. 3118) is a bipartisan legislation which aims to provide Medicare coverage for blood loss monitoring and detection devices. The bill is sponsored by Rep. Adrian Smith (R-NE) and Rep. Melanie Stansbury (D-NM). AAKP is mobilizing patients and all allies in support of greater home dialysis utilization through their AAKP Action Center (LINK). Patients and  stakeholders including kidney professionals have the opportunity to make their voices heard to their U.S. Representatives and Senators in support of this important legislation. This is an essential initiative for patients, as currently blood loss monitoring and detection are not covered by Medicare.

"We very much appreciate that AAKP is putting patient safety health first by supporting the Home Dialysis Risk Prevention Act (H.R 3118). This is in line with Redsense's commitment to provide innovative solutions that prioritize the safety and well-being of home hemodialysis patients. We look forward to the advancement of this important legislation" says Pontus Nobréus, CEO of Redsense Medical.

Datum 2024-02-15, kl 11:00
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