Qlife Holding AB publishes information by reason of ongoing negotiations with Atlas Special Opportunities, LLC, regarding a financing solution


Qlife Holding AB ("Qlife" or the "Company") and Atlas Special Opportunities, LLC ("Atlas"), have entered into a non-binding term sheet on 13 May 2024. According to the term sheet, Atlas will fund the Company with up to SEK 30.00 million in ten (10) tranches of different sizes. Further, the called loan amounts can be converted into new shares. Qlife will communicate the outcome of the ongoing negotiations to the market as soon as concrete information becomes available.

This disclosure contains information that Qlife Holding AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, on 10-06-2024 15:08 CET

Datum 2024-06-10, kl 15:08
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