ProfilGruppen clarifies the strategy

The Board of ProfilGruppen has chosen to clarify the mission for the company's management and, to some extent, raise the level of ambition.

Over the past decade, ProfilGruppen has expanded its operations through investments of more than SEK 300 million in new production capacity for aluminum profiles and over SEK 130 million in automated production concepts for specific products. This expansion has taken place alongside existing facilities in Åseda, located in the region of Småland. Simultaneously, relevant acquisitions of businesses have been sought and evaluated but have not resulted in transactions.
Therefore, the Board clarifies its strategy regarding acquisitions and states that ProfilGruppen will actively seek acquisitions of businesses that further process aluminum profiles into components, subsystems, or complete products. The company will also explore opportunities to establish new production units where ProfilGruppen for instance, can simplify, ensure quality, reduce environmental impact, or enhance flexibility in existing or potential customers' supply chains. Acquisitions or establishments may occur in other locations, within or outside Sweden.
Business opportunities aligned with the direction above are already being pursued. The Board further specifies this direction to clarify the level of ambition for all stakeholders.

Datum 2023-12-22, kl 09:20
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