The contract for the delivery of MobiMed enRoute to Region Örebro län has now been signed

On May 20, 2024, Ortivus was awarded a contract to deliver MobiMed enRoute system to Region Örebro län’s ambulance operations. The contract, valued at approximately 8.3 MSEK, has now been officially signed by both parties.

The delivery of MobiMed enRoute to all of Region Örebro län’s ambulance vehicles. The contract duration is five years, with the possibility of annual extensions for up to five years. The estimated order value is 8.3 MSEK. 
MobiMed enRoute, one of Ortivus’ latest innovations, is a comprehensive solution integrating navigation, case management and mass casualty management. This contract mainly concerns software licenses but also hardware, integrations to existing systems, and user training. It also includes the new communication solution, Comsuite, which improves internal and external communication in a traffic- and patient-safe manner. 
Ortivus currently deliver MobiMed to 16 out of Sweden's 21 regions. Region Örebro län has been a longstanding customer of the company, currently utilising MobiMed Monitor, MobiMed ePR, and MobiMed Life in their daily operations. With this new contract, the region gains access to a competitive total solution for its ambulance services. 
"We are delighted to have once again earned the trust of Region Örebro län and to have signed this new contract. We look forward to the implementation project and continuing our excellent collaboration with the region.” says Stefan Ekblom, Nordic Sales Manager at Ortivus. 

Datum 2024-05-31, kl 21:30
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