Ortivus is awarded a contract for the delivery of MobiMed to Region Jämtland Härjedalen


Region Jämtland Härjedalen has chosen to award Ortivus a contract for the delivery of MobiMed enRoute to the region's ambulance operations. The order value is estimated to 2.5 MSEK and the contract duration is 8 years.

We are pleased to announce that Ortivus has been awarded a contract for the delivery of MobiMed enRoute to Region Jämtland Härjedalen's ambulance operations, which includes 28 ambulance vehicles.
Ortivus proudly serves 16 of Sweden's 21 regions, including the longstanding customer Region Jämtland Härjedalen. For years, the region has utilized Ortivus’ solutions, MobiMed Monitor and MobiMed ePR, to enhance patient care and healthcare efficiency. This contract covers Ortivus' latest innovation, MobiMed enRoute, a comprehensive solution encompassing navigation, case management, and damage control. The agreement mainly regards software licenses but also hardware, integrations with existing systems, and user training. Through this partnership, the region is poised to receive a competitive total solution for its pre-hospital care.
"We are very happy about Region Jämtland Härjedalen's continued confidence in our solutions. We look forward to delivering MobiMed enRoute to the region, with the goal to enhance communication and streamline workflows, ultimately resulting in safer and more efficient patient care.” Says Elias Obaid, Global Sales Manager, Ortivus.

The contract can earliest be signed after a period of 10 days from the date of the award, in accordance with the procurement regulations.

Datum 2023-09-06, kl 16:15
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