OptiCept Technologies

Year-end report January-December 2023: Partnership and new offer (OptiBoost Inside) in focus


OptiCept Technologies AB (publ),(ticker: OPTI) today published the year-end report for 2023 (January – December 2023), which is available on the company's website: https://investor.opticept.se/finansiell-information/finansiella-rapporter/


• OptiCept Technologies AB carried out a directed issue
• OptiCept delves into the solid food industry with a groundbreaking partnership alongside a world-leading food technology company
• OptiCept Technologies recruits a new CFO
• OptiCept Technologies changes Certified Adviser to Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ)
• OptiCept reports successful test results from cuttings pilot project in China


• Convertible owners call for the conversion of loans of SEK 5 million into shares in OptiCept Technologies AB
• OptiCept Technologies AB has decided on the previously announced directed issue of shares to lenders following the request for loan conversion
• OptiCept: Successful verification of PEF technology for fast growing processed potato market
• OptiCept receives key order from partner
• OptiCept has signed agreement with world-leading company in the production and cultivation of ornamental cuttings

KSEK (unless otherwise stated)*Q4 (Oct-Dec)Q1-Q4 (Jan-Dec)
Net revenue**9401 9079 64111 834
Operating Income-23 064-36 794-73 599-96 516
Result for the period-21 873-40 945-80 442-100 093
Open orders28 59930 19028 59930 190
Reported EBITDA-18 007-29 852-53 608-77 296
Net result for the period387 278473 324387 278473 324
Cash & cash equivalents14 11594 71014 11594 710
Equity350 265396 141350 265396 141
Equity ratio (%)90%84%90%84%
Average number of shares in the period38 370 63220 839 85432 424 14920 138 518
Number of shares at the end of the period40 182 18529 567 58240 182 18529 567 582
Earnings per share before and after dilution (SEK)-0,57-1,96-2,48-4,97
Cash flow from operating activities-15 343-19 584-84 251-73 126
Total Cash flow1 94766 831-80 57826 673
For information regarding alternative performance measures, please refer to Note 5.
* Rounding may occur so that in some cases the amounts do not add up
** For information regarding net revenue, please refer to Note 2.

"The last quarter and the time after that have been a very exciting time for the company. Partnerships with strong players are emerging and the way forward is now very clear. We are now also very pleased to present a new offer to the flower industry - "OptiBoost Inside". With "OptiBoost Inside" we understand that we are addressing several of the industry's challenges by replacing the packaging with nutrient solution that comes with bouquets", says Thomas Lundqvist, CEO of OptiCept Technologies

Datum 2024-02-27, kl 07:00
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