OptiCept Technologies

OptiCept Technologies enters agreement with a juice producer in Central Europe

OptiCept Technologies has today entered into an agreement with a leading juice producer in Central Europe. The goal is to verify that the CEPT platform can improve the shelf-life of the customer's juice products.

OptiCept has signed an initial agreement with a leading producer of juices and other drinks. A juiceCEPT+ ODIN will be used during the project. Lab tests with good results are completed, and now the customer is taking the next step to verify the technology in their own production. The goal is to achieve an extended shelf life for cold-pressed vegetable juice. The verification will be carried out in autumn 2023. The customer pays 7000 euros. The potential of this production facility is up to 6 juiceCEPT+ BALDER. Discussions are also held regarding increased extraction with juiceCEPT BALDER.

"We look forward to starting another reference project, this time for the juiceCEPT+ application with a focus on extended shelf-life and quality. The agreement is in line with our new strategic focus where we want to develop our technology with partners. There is great potential as the customer is a leader in the juice segment in their region and vegetable juice is a popular product in Central Europe. A first step in a long-term collaboration and an exciting entry into a new large market with a good reference customer". Says Thomas Lundqvist, CEO, OptiCept Technologies.

Datum 2023-09-05, kl 12:30
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