OptiCept Technologies

OptiCept enters partnership and becomes a shareholder in Simply No Waste AB

OptiCept Technologies (Ticker: OPTI) has today entered into a partnership agreement with the Malmö-based Foodtech company Simply No Waste AB. OptiCept becomes a shareholder in Simply No Waste AB and will deliver a PEF system to their production as part of the agreement. Through the partnership, OptiCept will take a position in the extraction of residual products and side streams in the food industry.

OptiCept has today signed an agreement with Simply No Waste AB, thereby acquiring a non-controlling ownership stake in the company's shares. Simply No Waste is a food company focused on ingredients that create value from side streams from food production. The company is based in Malmö.

Through the partnership, OptiCept will take a position in the extraction of residual products, a strong and growing trend in the food industry in response to economic incentives and sustainability requirements. According to the agreement, OptiCept will deliver a PEF system to optimize the extraction of ingredients for the company's products. Simply No Waste currently uses OptiCept's PEF technology to produce the company's drink "KADO," which is based on avocado pits that are a waste product from restaurants.

"We see a clear upward trend in the food industry regarding refining residual products. Residual products are a valuable raw material for new products that the industry is currently developing. To realize these products, our technology is needed, and with this partnership, we become leaders in this transformation together with Simply No Waste," says Thomas Lundqvist, CEO of OptiCept Technologies.

Through the agreement, OptiCept also gains access to Simply No Waste's production facility for testing and developing new applications.

"We are extremely pleased with our future collaboration with OptiCept Technologies to promote a sustainable, circular, and greener food supply chain. OptiCept's expertise in PEF perfectly aligns with our mission to reduce food waste and utilize side streams in the food industry to reduce the carbon footprint. This partnership will accelerate several of Simply No Waste's projects and change the perspective of how we view side streams as waste. Together, we can offer superior solutions that benefit both the environment and consumers in Sweden and wherever in the world," says Arash Sabet, CEO of Simply No Waste.

Simply No Waste is a foodtech ingredient company that works with a "Systematic Circularity Model" to create products from side streams for the food industry and other industries. The company focuses on "upcycling" by-products to create nutritious ingredients. They aim to contribute to a more circular, sustainable, and nutritious food system while combating food waste. Among other things, they have created innovative drinks with avocado pits, which are otherwise discarded, mixed with only fresh ingredients without added sugar.

Datum 2024-06-27, kl 08:30
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