OptiCept Technologies

OptiCept announces outcome in the exercise of warrants of series TO6


OptiCept Technologies AB (publ) ("OptiCept" or the "Company") today announces the outcome of the exercise of warrants of series TO6, which were issued in connection with the Company's rights issue of units during the fourth quarter of 2022. In total, 1,181,470 warrants of series TO6 were exercised, corresponding to approximately 85.6 percent of the total number of outstanding warrants of series TO6, for subscription of 1,181,470 shares at a subscription price of SEK 2.70 per share. OptiCept will receive approximately SEK 3.2 million before issuing costs through the exercise of the warrants of series TO6.

The subscription period for exercise of the warrants of series TO6 took place during the period from and including 18 September 2023, up to and including 29 September 2023. The subscription price per share for exercising the warrants of series TO6 was set to SEK 2.70.

In total, 1,181,470 warrants of series TO6 were exercised for subscription of 1,181,470 shares, meaning that approximately 85.6 percent of all outstanding warrants of series TO6 were exercised for subscription of shares.

Shares that have been subscribed and paid for will be registered on the subscriber's securities depository as interim shares (IA) until registration of the issue has been completed with the Swedish Companies Registration Office, whereupon the interim shares automatically will be converted into shares in OptiCept.

Number of shares, share capital and dilution:
Through the exercise of the warrants of series TO6, the number of shares in OptiCept increases by 1,181,470 shares, from 30,843,265 shares to a total of 32,024,735 shares. The share capital will increase by SEK 106,332.30, from SEK 2,775,893.85 to SEK 2,882,226.15.

For existing shareholders who did not exercise any warrants of series TO6, the dilution amounts to approximately 3.7 percent of the number of shares and votes in the Company.

Pareto Securities AB acts as Sole Manager and Bookrunner, and Moll Wendén Advokatbyrå AB is legal adviser to the Company in connection with the exercise of warrants.

Datum 2023-10-02, kl 12:52
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