OEM International acquires Lagermetall AB

OEM International has today signed an agreement to acquire Lagermetall AB with an annual turnover of SEK 104 million in 2022. Lagermetall with the headquarter in Örebro, sells and markets industrial slide bearings and cast bronze for mechanical applications in all industries.

- Lagermetall is a well-managed company with products and solutions that complement OEM's existing range. The company will continue to be run in its current form, but the ambition is to take advantage of synergy effects within the group, such as assortment development, market development and supplier coordination, comments Jörgen Zahlin, MD and CEO of OEM International.

The acquisition is expected to have a marginal impact on OEM’s profit for the current year.

Datum 2023-10-13, kl 10:09
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