Arild Bødal proposed to be new chairman in Norva24 Group AB


The Nomination Committee ahead of the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Norva24 Group AB (publ) (the “Company” or “Norva24”) proposes that the current Board Member Arild Bødal be appointed Chairman of the Board, as the current Chairman of the Board Vidar Meum has informed the Nomination committee that he would like step down from the Board.

“We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to Vidar Meum for his valuable contributions as Chairman of the Board of Norva24 since 2017. During this period Norva24 has grown into a Northern European leader within the Underground Infrastructure Maintenance (UIM) Services as well as becoming publicly listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. Mr. Bødal has been a Board member of the group since 2015 and has more than 30 years experience in the industry” says Nils Forsberg, Chairman of the Nomination Committee of Norva24.

“It has been a pleasure to be Chairman of the Board for almost seven years. Now the time has come to retire and hand over the chair to Arild. Arild, the Board and the entire Company have my best wishes for continued success” says Vidar Meum, the outgoing Chairman of the Board of Norva24.

“Since joining the Board, I have been impressed by Norva24’s growth and overall development. I will do my utmost to support Norva24’s further sustainable growth towards our vision of becoming «The lighthouse of our Industry»” says Arild Bødal, Board member and proposed new Chairman of the Board of Norva24.

The Nomination Committee’s complete proposals for decision will be made available on the Company’s website in due time before the Annual General Meeting 2024, which will be held on 22 May 2024.

For further information:
Henrik Norrbom, Group CEO
Tel. +46 72 708 1515

Stein Yndestad, Group CFO
Tel: +47 916 86 696

About Norva24

Norva24 is the leading northern European player in the UIM industry[1] and offers UIM services, such as emptying, pressure washing and pipe services. On June 30, 2023, the company operated 77 branches[2] in Norway, Germany, Sweden and Denmark, with approximately 1,800 employees. The company’s history dates back to 1919 and Norva24 has since evolved from a company with Norwegian roots to being a market leader in UIM services in Norway, Germany, Sweden and Denmark. Norva24 has a history of completing acquisitions in order to enter new markets or to consolidate its local market position, taking advantage of the highly fragmented UIM market in Europe, which is characterized by mostly small, local companies. In its four markets, the company has conducted 45 acquisitions since 2015.

[1] Measured in revenue.
[2] The term “branch” refers to places of business in various locations in which the company conducts its operations.

Datum 2024-04-09, kl 08:33
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