Nordnet: Monthly statistics February

February January Change  February Change 
20251 2025 one month 2024 one year
Savings & customers
Number of customers 2,145,700 2,127,200 0.9% 1,900,100 12.9%2
Net savings (SEK billion) 5.7 10.0 -43.0% 5.3 7.5%
Savings capital (SEK billion) 1,051 1,083 -3.0% 861 22.1%
Deposits (SEK billion) 74 71 4.3% 64 15.5%
Lending (SEK billion)
Margin lending3 17.0 17.6 -3.7% 15.5 9.6%
Mortgage 11.2 11.2 0.0% 11.2 -0.3%
Unsecured lending 0.0 0.0 0.0% 3.8 -100.0%
Total lending 28.2 28.8 -2.3% 30.5 -7.8%
Number of trades4
Sweden 2,105,100 2,049,300 2.7% 1,796,100 17.2%
Norway 999,600 1,059,300 -5.6% 976,000 2.4%
Denmark 1,190,600 1,212,300 -1.8% 1,076,900 10.6%
Finland 1,013,000 968,300 4.6% 904,700 12.0%
Total 5,308,300 5,289,200 0.4% 4,753,700 11.7%
Share of cross border trades 33.5% 35.9% -2.4% 28.6% 4.8%
Average number of trades per day5
Sweden 105,300 97,600 7.9% 85,500 23.2%
Norway 50,000 48,200 3.7% 46,500 7.5%
Denmark 59,500 55,100 8.0% 51,300 16.0%
Finland 50,700 46,100 10.0% 43,100 17.6%
Total 265,500 247,000 7.5% 226,400 17.3%

1 The numbers for February 2025 are preliminary.
2 The customer growth is 14.1 percent adjusted for the divestment of Nordnet’s unsecured lending portfolio to Ikano Bank on October 1, 2024.

3 Lending excluding pledged cash and cash equivalents.
4 Nordnet’s total trades on all exchanges and market places for all customers, and share of cross border trades. 
5 Average number of trades per day is calculated as total trades per market divided by the number of days each stock exchange was open.

Datum 2025-03-05, kl 08:30
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