Nolato signs new long-term cooperation agreement with existing customer


Nolato has signed a long-term cooperation agreement with a major existing customer to supply medical devices for drug administration, including to support treatment of obesity and diabetes. The supply agreement will have no material impact on Nolato’s sales and profit over the next two years. At full-scale production, within a five-year period, it is estimated that this cooperation will generate annual sales in the region of SEK 700 million for Nolato.

The cooperation will result in Nolato investing, from the second quarter of 2024, a total of around SEK 600 million in new manufacturing capacity by expanding existing premises, machinery and other equipment. Around one-fifth of the total amount will be invested during the current year.

“This cooperation marks a significant milestone for Nolato and is an endorsement of our business concept of supporting large, globally successful companies that demand high standards of precision, quality and security of supply. And it’s great to be helping to treat conditions that affect an increasing proportion of the world’s population,” said Christer Wahlquist, President and CEO.

Nolato has been working with the customer in question since year 2000.

Datum 2024-04-02, kl 08:23
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