Nolato Presents New Financial Targets


At today's Capital Markets Day in Stockholm, Christer Wahlquist, CEO and President of Nolato, along with members of the executive management team, will provide a detailed update on the Group's strategic direction and operations, as well as present new financial targets.

Nolato's Financial Targets
The Board of Nolato has established the following financial targets:

  • The annual organic growth should exceed 8 percent over a business cycle (new target).
  • The EBITA margin should exceed 12 percent over a business cycle (new target).
  • The return on capital employed should exceed 15 percent over a business cycle (new target).

"During a couple of challenging years marked by the pandemic effects such as new consumption patterns, cost inflation, and supply chain disruptions, we have created a global platform with the capacity to expand. We will now continue Nolato's strategic journey with a focus on increased profitable growth. Furthermore, we have a strong financial position that provides us with flexibility and enables investments in both new customer projects and complementary acquisitions," says Christer Wahlquist, CEO and President of Nolato.

Dividend Policy
Nolato's dividend policy is to propose a dividend that exceeds 50 percent of the profit after tax, while considering Nolato's long-term development opportunities, financial position, and investment needs (unchanged).

Sustainability Goals
Nolato has previously decided on long-term goals for sustainable development, encompassing social responsibility, environmental responsibility, and business benefits. The goals are linked to the UN's global goals and the Paris Agreement. The background and outcomes of the goals are described on Nolato's website in the Responsible business conduct section.

Previous Financial Targets

  • The target is for the EBITA margin to exceed 10 percent over a business cycle.
  • The target is to achieve cash generation that exceeds 75 percent of the EBIT result over a business cycle, measured as the ratio of cash flow after investments to the EBIT result.
  • The target is for the equity/assets ratio to exceed 35 percent over a business cycle.

Today's Capital Markets Day starts at 13:00. Register HERE to follow the event in real-time.

Datum 2025-03-13, kl 08:05
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