NextCell publishes its Interim Report 3 2022/2023


Third quarter (2023-03-01 until 2023-05-31)

  • Operating income amounted to 4,190 (1,636) TSEK, of which Cellaviva counted for 3,039 (1,613) TSEK.
  • Operating result amounted to -10,915 (-9,307) TSEK.
  • Earnings per share* amounted to -0.32 (-0.27) SEK.
  • Cash and bank amounted to 63,230 (107,054) TSEK.
  • Solidity** amounted to 88.1 (92.7) %

First nine months (2022-09-01 until 2023-05-31)

  • Operating income amounted to 9,937 (4,823) TSEK of which Cellaviva counted for 7,284 (4,230) TSEK.
  • Operating result amounted to -31,242 (-25,991) TSEK.
  • Earnings per share* amounted to -0.91 (-0.76) SEK.

*Earnings per share: Profit for the period divided by average number of shares. Average number of shares for the third quarter 2022/2023: 34,379,523 (34,379,523) shares. Number of shares in NextCell as of May 31, 2023: 34,379,523 (34,379,523) shares.
**Solidity: Own capital's share of the sheet total.

Significant events in the third quarter

  • NextCell announced at the end of March that the results of the clinical phase I/II study in type 1 diabetes had been accepted for publication in the peer-reviewed journal Diabetologia, the official journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes
  • The company announced late April that the FDA has approved a product of multiplied stem cells from umbilical cord blood. It is a breakthrough that could lead to increased interest in saving stem cells for private use, where Cellaviva is the market leader in Scandinavia.

Significant events after the reporting period

  • NextCell announced at the beginning of July that the clinical trial ProTrans 19+SE (also called Protrans V) would start recruiting patients in the high dose group, which is the last dose group. Three patients treated with medium dose of ProTrans have been clinically evaluated and the data has been reviewed by the Data Safety Monitoring Board, which now allows continued treatment with high-dose ProTrans for severe pneumonia caused by COVID-19, Influenza, Human Metapneumovirus and RSV.

This disclosure contains information that NextCell Pharma AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, on 27-07-2023 07:30 CET.

Datum 2023-07-27, kl 07:30
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