NextCell publishes its Interim Report 2 2023/2024


Second quarter (2023-12-01 until 2024-02-29)

Operating Income amounted to 2,405 (2,734) TSEK, of which
    Cellaviva amounted to 2,334 (2,107) TSEK.

Net Income amounted to 2,334 (2,106) TSEK.
Operating result amounted to -10,093 (-11,408) TSEK.
Earnings per share* amounted to -0.29 (-0.33) SEK.
Cash and bank amounted to 30,393 (77,617) TSEK.
Solidity** amounted to 79.2 (89,3)

First half year (2023-09-01 until 2024-02-29)

Operating Income amounted to 7,099 (5,746) TSEK, of which
    Cellaviva amounted to 6,580 (4,244) TSEK.

Net Income amounted to 6,580 (4,244) TSEK.
Operating result amounted to -19,889 (-20,327) TSEK.
Earnings per share* amounted to -0.58 (-0.59) SEK.

Earnings per share: Profit for the period divided by average number of shares. Average number of shares for the second quarter 2023/2024: 34,379,523 (34,379,523) shares. Number of shares in NextCell as of February 29, 2024: 34,379,523 (34,379,523) shares.
**Solidity: Equity to total balance sheet.

Significant events in the second quarter

At the end of January, NextCell published an update on the ongoing clinical trials. The largest ongoing study – ProTrans Young, which includes 66 patients – is progressing well.

At the end of February, NextCell Pharma announced that it had decided on a new strategic direction. The strategic changes means that Cellaviva will become a wholly owned subsidiary and also cost savings as a result of staff reductions.

Significant events after the reporting period

NextCell announced in early March that it was establishing the subsidiary QVance to meet a Nordic demand for quality analyses. The launch is a strategic addition to NextCell to increase the company's sales and presence in the market for advanced therapy drugs.

At the end of March, the company announced that the Swedish Medical Products Agency had approved the application to conduct a subgroup analysis of the treatment effect of ProTrans in 30 adolescents in the age group 12-21 years treated in the ProTrans-Young study. The approval for the subgroup analysis by the Swedish Medical Products Agency means that the primary efficacy endpoint readout is available after 12 months. Results from the subgroup analysis are planned to be presented in the second quarter of 2025.

In mid-April, Nextcell Pharma announced that its longtime Chairman of the Board, Anders Essen-Möller, after ten years of dedicated leadership, will step down from his role on May 20, 2024 due to health reasons.

NextCell announced in mid-April that the Health and Social Care Inspectorate (IVO) has granted their tissue facility Cellaviva permission to handle the amniotic tissue.

On April 24th the company announced that the Board of Directors resolves on a rights issue of units of approximately SEK 40.1 million, subject to approval by an Extraordinary General Meeting.

On April 24th NextCell gave notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held May 27th.

This disclosure contains information that NextCell Pharma AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, on 25-04-2024 07:30 CET.

Datum 2024-04-25, kl 07:30
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