Annual General Meeting 2024 and information about appointed members to the Nomination Committee

Shareholders are entitled to have items put on the agenda for the Annual General Meeting, if a request has been received by the Board of Directors no later than 8th of March 2024. The Board of Directors can be contacted via email at: or by regular mail addressed to: Nexam Chemical Holding AB (publ), Att: Board of Directors Box 165, 234 23 LOMMA, Sweden.

At the Annual General Meeting 9th of May 2023, it was resolved that Nexam Chemical shall have a Nomination Committee consisting of three members represented by the three largest shareholders at end of August 2023.

The largest shareholders are referred to the shareholders who are registered with Euroclear Sweden AB as of August 31st, 2023. If a shareholder does not exercise the right to appoint a member, the next largest shareholder is entitled to appoint a member of the Nomination Committee.

The Nomination Committee for the AGM 2024 consists of the following persons:

  • Anita Otterheim; nominated by SvenOlov Hjaelmstad;
  • Tomas Klevbo; nominated by Veronica Wallman.
  • Mette Gross; nominated by Holm Investment AB;

Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee can contact the Nomination Committee via email at:, or by regular mail addressed to: Nexam Chemical Holding AB (publ), Att: Nomination Committee, Box 165, 234 23 LOMMA, Sweden.

Proposals should be received by the Nomination Committee no later than 8th of March 2024 for the Nomination Committee to be able to process them with enough care.

Note: This press release has been translated from Swedish. The Swedish text shall govern for all purposes and prevail in case of any discrepancy with the English version.

For further information please contact:

Cecilia Jinert Johansson, Chairman of the Board, +46-706 27 21 63,

Datum 2023-10-03, kl 14:18
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